Writing for PRAD
News Release:
PlayStation Studios to launch new Astro Bot game and to host an event in person and in game.
News provided by
PlayStation, Sony Interactive Entertainment
Oct 6, 2024, 09:00 PDT
San Mateo, Oct. 6, 2024/PlayStation Blog/ -- On Oct. 10 at 3 p.m. PST, PlayStation Studios will launch a sequel to Astro’s Playroom called Astro Bot. To celebrate the launch, we will be holding an event at our headquarters in San Mateo for pre-selected fans.
Astro Bot is the galactic story of Astro working with a team of bots to help rebuild their spaceship. To do so, they need to visit different planets and solve problems alongside some of the most popular characters from PlayStations other games.
At the event, fans will be able to meet CEO of Team Asobi, Nicolas Doucet, and the rest of the team behind the game as they share insights on the development process of the character and the game. They will also be able to play the game, meet Astro himself and receive the at the end of the event.
For everyone else, we will be hosting a mini event in Astro’s Playroom for the launch. This mini event will feature a livestream of the on-stage announcement as well as a new gameplay area for players to enjoy. Attendees will also earn a special edition trophy on PlayStation Stars and a limited-edition Astro Bot theme for the PlayStation 5.
“We’ve spent three years creating Astro Bot for both long-time PlayStation fans and new players,” Doucet said. “Please take your time and enjoy every nook and cranny of the game.”
We hope to see all of you help Astro in his next mission in Astro Bot!
Mahin Karani
Branded Content Feature:
The impact that video-game companies have on e-waste and recycling
Paid post, IGN
PlayStation, Sony Interactive Entertainment
Gaming is part of the tech world that has been an overlooked source for contributing to e-waste. From controllers to keyboards, gamers go through more hardware than a non-gamer. The big console companies need to do their part to help the planet out and reduce e-waste.
“Unfortunately, only about 25% of e-waste gets recycled,” Charlie Fletcher said on Earth.com.
E-waste is a big problem since not a lot of people understand what it is. It’s more than dumping your sticky keyboard in the trash. Even keeping worn out devices in a closet at home is e-waste because toxic chemicals can release into the air. Unused electronics need to be disposed of by a professional.
E-waste and electronics handling by a pro also makes sure any reusable parts get stripped out and sent back to the manufacturer.
The PlayStation 5 DualSense controller has many parts that are made from different plastics, metals and rubber that all need to be recycled differently. That’s just one product from one of these companies. Now think about the millions of controllers that are being used right now and what their future might be.
PlayStation have recently announced a change in their PlayStation Plus subscription model. They have come up with a recycled Dualsense Controller that comes with the highest tier, PlayStation Plus Premium, for 1 month. (I wrote deluxe instead of premium before realizing I was wrong in the mockup design below)
Since e-waste is formed towards the end of an electronic device’s life cycle, the electricity running through the devices should be limited. So, while you are away from your console or desktop, make sure it and your TV or monitor is turned off. That way you can keep them out of a landfill for longer. Most consoles will have different power saving options to help you with this.
Mahin Karani

Media Pitch Memo:
To: jvega@ign.com
Subject: New Game Launch Event Invite
PlayStation Studios Media Advisory
Not for Immediate release
Oct. 4, 2024
What: Nicolas Doucet, CEO of Team Asobi, will announce the launch for the new Astro Bot game at 3 p.m. PST at the Sony Interactive Entertainment Headquarters in San Mateo California followed by gameplay experiences and surprises.
Who: Nicolas Doucet, CEO of Team Asobi along with Toshimasa Aoki, Senior Principal Product Manager and their team will go through development of the game and go around talking to people about the game at the event.
Where: Sony Interactive Entertainment Headquarters in San Mateo California
When: Oct. 10, 2024. From 2:30 p.m. PST – 4:30 p.m. PST
For more information please contact:
Mahin Karani
PlayStation Studios Event organizer
(873) 566 7390
Why I picked IGN
IGN is one of the biggest sources of information for gamers around the world. Having someone from there attend this event would help spread word about the release of this game internationally.
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